International luxury model? Taking pictures in Barcelona


Luxury companion in the heart of Barcelona

Now I became an international luxury model as we are going to be taking a lot of photos around Barcelona ;-) My flight is getting closer and my bag is not packed yet but I know it will be a blast ! Yo sé que quiero divertirme!

I would like to share my ideas of what's good to see in Barcelona. I love sightseeing, meeting new people and learning about new cultures and places. One of the most famous places to be is a building in the center of Barcelona - Casa Batlló. It was designed by Antoni Gaudí, and is considered one of his masterpieces. The building was first built in 1877 by Emilio Sala Cortés (one of Gaudí’s professors), when there was still no electric light in Barcelona. Later in 1903 Mr Josep Batlló y Casanovas purchased the building. He was a textile industrialist who owned several factories in Barcelona and a prominent businessman. Mr Batlló granted full creativity to Antoni Gaudí, putting him in charge of a project that initially was supposed to be demolished. However, thanks to Gaudí, that was ruled out, and it was fully reformed between 1904 and 1906. The architect completely changed the façade. Gaudi redistributed the internal partitioning, expanded the patio of lights and converted the inside into a piece of art. Besides its artistic value, the building is also very functional. As a international luxury model I might be posing in front of this Gaudi's masterpiece of art. Hope to post some pics soon !

In the evening I will make my way to the legendary Tablao Cordobes, one of Barcelona’s most popular flamenco venues, located on the central Las Ramblas boulevard. Watching a flamenco show is apparently a quintessential Barcelona experience and the Tablao Cordobes is one of the most popular venues to experience it. Being an international luxury model (I can call myself that, right? ;-)) means enjoying the dazzling performance like flamenco, seeing live musicians worlwide, and eating paella in the center of Barcelona, instead of my local spanish restaurant.Since Tablao Cordobes is on Las Ramblas, I probably have to walk down this popular street.. just joking! I love Las Ramblas and my every visit in Barcelona (wheter as your high class companion or by myself) means taking a stroll there. As a luxury and international model aka companion I will be doing more than just being on pictures of Las Ramblas. I will read the most interesting facts about places we are visiting so we can all learn something new ! For example, did you know that the course of La Rambla was originally a sewage-filled stream? It was usually dry but drained for the heavy rainwater flowing from the Collserola hills during spring and autumn. It separated the walled city on its north-east bank from the settlements of El Raval ("the suburb") on its south-west. Later the stream was diverted to run outside the new walls, and La Rambla gradually started turning into a street.

I think that Park Güell is definitely a spot for taking amazing pictures. The park is one of the largest green spaces in Barcelona, ​​with more than 17 hectares of land! It serves for locals as a place to relax and enjoy themselves. It's known for biodiversity. The park used to be known as the Muntanya Pelada[Bare Mountain], because of its barren land. The studies carried out on the site indicate that originally it consisted of holm oaks, viburnum and mastic in its hollows and Aleppo pine and thickets of broom, gorse and false-brome on steeper, drier slopes. For a long time it was an agricultural area with vineyards, olive groves and fruit orchards. It was all dry-farming land, as the soil was shallow and there was little water available. Now it is full of life and attracts plenty of tourists and locals to visit.

I find interior of Palau Guell very strange yet, very striking. I think it's one of the places where an international luxury model should be taking a lot of pictures for portfolio. Palau Guell is a mansion designed by Antoni Gaudi as well. The home is centered around the main room which served as entertaining room for high society guests. Guests entered the home in horse-drawn carriages through the front iron gates! Now that is pretty high-class, I think! Palau Guell was used in Antonioni's film The Passenger as a backdrop for the first meeting between Jack Nicholson and Maria Schneider. Now Palau Guell is going to be on my instagram very soon!

I will try my best to be professional and I hope I will come back with a folder of really beautiful pictures. Seems like Gaudi is everywhere in Barcelona and Barcelona is in everyone's hearts. I hope to discover more than last time and rememeber anything I wrote above while actually being there..;)

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